Composition with Palfinger crane for the needs of JP Elektrodistribucija Tuzla

Composition with Palfinger crane for the needs of JP Elektrodistribucija Tuzla

Delivery of a Palfinger crane PK 13.501 SLD3 B with a reach of 10.4 m on an Iveco Eurocargo ML160E32 truck with a single-axle trailer PST100 for the company Elektrodistribucija Tuzla. The truck is equipped with a 4000 mm long platform in which there is a removable turntable for transporting poles. The single-axle trailer has a telescopic drawbar that can be adjusted depending on the length of the poles.

Elektrodistribucija Tuzla is a part of JP Elektroprivreda Bosne i Herzegovina d.d. Sarajevo whose main activity is electricity production, electricity distribution, electricity supply, electricity trade and other activities in accordance with the statute.